You may read some websites or hear individuals suggest that tummy sleeping is better for babies who suffer from reflux, however SIDS Australia recommend that the supine position or back sleeping is the best way to sleep your baby from birth to prevent the risk of SIDS, even for those babies that suffer from reflux.
Amber teething necklaces have become increasingly popular in just the last couple of years since they were introduced to the Australian and New Zealand markets, and websites devoted to amber bead necklace sales have sprung up everywhere.
Whether you think your baby is teething, or you would like to know whether they are, or you just want to be prepared, here is a quick guide to the top things to know when your baby or child is teething.
People who have been touched in some way by a genetic childhood disorder via a friend or family member will often find comfort in hearing about the challenges and triumphs of others who have had similar experiences.
Madison was born with Cystic Fibrosis, a genetic disease that affects a number of organs in the body (especially the lungs and pancreas) by clogging them with thick, sticky mucus.
Our family is affected by a genetic disorder called Wiskott Aldrich Syndrome which is a rare X-linked recessive disease characterized by eczema, thrombocytopenia (low platelet count) and immune deficiency.
Your baby will be able to sit up in the water with your help, or you could use a special support that allows him to remain upright which of course means your hands will be free.
Huggies® Newborn and Infant Nappies’ clinically proven layer* has a skin protecting application comprising of zinc oxide, commonly found in
nappy rash creams, and a pH balancer. This layer works to help deliver protection against irritants from urine and poop that can irritate the
skin and alter pH.
We know baby’s skin is delicate, especially during the early stages of development. That’s why Huggies® Newborn Nappies are designed to
deliver gentle protection for babies. Every component of the nappy is designed thoughtfully to help keep babies’ skin clean and healthy.
Baby’s skin is the primary defense against the outside world, providing protection from physical, chemical, and biological dangers. It also
helps regulate babies’ body temperature and contains nerve cells that allow babies to experience touch.
If this hasn’t already happened to you, it’s sure to happen soon: you open your baby’s nappy and are confronted with a red, angry rash. You likely feel upset and guilty that your baby is uncomfortable. However, Nappy rash is normal and is one of the most common skin conditions babies face.
As well as the fact that baby's love it (and mum's don't seem to have any complaints either), daily massage has
been shown to have several positive effects. Here are just a few:
With the change to and from daylight saving each year you can almost hear the cry from mums and dads around Australia and New Zealand, “Don’t upset baby’s sleep pattern”.