Could it be colic?
Colic is very common in young babies, though there is no sure reason as to what causes it or why some babies get it and some don’t. It usually affects babies in the first four weeks of life, and lasts for about three to four months.
Your baby may have colic if:
- They are healthy, and well, but cry a lot, sometimes continuously
- Whatever you do doesn’t keep them happy for more than a short time
- The crying tends to happen after feeds
- It is likely that your baby has colic if they are crying continuously for at least three hours, at least three times a week.
Reflux can also present like this, so if you have any concerns, please consult your health professional.
Could it be bubbles?
One theory is that the formation of small bubbles of wind in the baby’s stomach causes pain.
Could it be digestive problems?
Some babies’ guts may be more sensitive to the constituents of milk, and babies feel the process of digestion as pain.
Most babies do improve as time goes by, and they cry less and less. In fact the majority of babies show clear signs of getting better by the age of three months. Sometimes the transformation is very quick – almost overnight.
Relieving the symptoms
- Infant Massage can help to relieve the symptoms, or even prevent the occurrence, of colic. The routine is quite specific and is best learned from a qualified infant massage instructor. The Infant Massage Association can help you to locate an instructor near you.
- There are some aromatherapy oils that are also thought to help relieve the discomfort of colic. Your infant massage instructor should be able to help you identify these.
- Many mums and dads often resort to using a sling or front pouch during the period of the evening when their baby is most unsettled. This helps to keep the baby upright and your motion helps to sooth their discomfort.
For more information see Baby care
Last Published* May, 2024
*Please note that the published date may not be the same as the date that the content was created and that information above may have changed since.