Baby Gender Prediction

Gender prediction is usually a hot topic of conversation after you've shared that you are expecting. Whether it is well-meaning friends or family, everyone wants to get in on the act of predicting your bub's gender. The odds are evenly split at 50/50 but that doesn t seem to dampen the enthusiasm of anyone playing the game! These days, the technology we have available to us means the guess work element can be taken away if we prefer, but for parents who choose not to find out, the gender prediction activities are fun to do.

Old wives tales gender prediction

Once you've confirmed your pregnancy every single aspect of what you say, do, eat or sleep will be open to scrutiny. It's all part of the entertainment of working out whether you're having a boy or a girl.

Pimply skin? You're definitely having a girl! Craving fish? You're definitely having a boy! Remember, that despite the multitude of gender prediction methods that people will use in order to guess your bub's gender, they are just that. Guesses. We've looked at just about every conceivable old wives tale used for gender prediction and what they might be based on.

The way you are carrying your pregnant belly, through to how your hair looks are all ways to allegedly predict what gender your bub will be. And while there is little to no science behind the theories, they are a fabulous way to have a conversation with friends or to pass the final days of pregnancy when your bump balloons and you are eager to meet your little bundle of joy.

The wedding shower ring swing is a wonderful baby shower game and even the way you sleep can mean something about the gender of bub if you believe the tales. Remember that they are only tales. The only definitive way to discover bub's gender is to wait till they're born or to find out during ultrasound.

Chinese birth chart gender prediction

Historically, gender prediction has been a keen source of interest for people. In many countries producing a male heir was considered very important. So it meant families and expectant mothers had a keen interest in the forecasts made for them about the gender of their baby. Predicting gender was almost viewed as a science, despite being based on little more than guesswork.

The Chinese birth chart appears to have undergone many modifications over the years. Essentially it is based on the mother's age and the month bub was conceived. The Chinese Birth Chart will give you a detailed overview on how gender prediction is calculated according to the chart itself. Just remember, you have a 50/50 chance of getting it right!

Heart rate gender prediction method.

A popular method based on an old wives tale, this gender prediction method has been around for quite a while. The heart rate gender prediction section will tell you what to look for and what to be aware of when you're listening to bub's heart rate.

This method is based on measuring bub's heart rate and being able to predict their gender as a result. It is centred on the notion that a girl's heart rate in the womb is likely to be faster than a boy's at above 140 beats per minute, while a boy is likely to have a lower heart rate beating below 140 bpm.

Remember that no study has found any evidence that this method works. As your baby grows in the womb, their heart rate adjusts accordingly.

As any parent to be knows, nine months is a long time to wait to find out what gender your baby will be. The anticipation is always worth it because the arrival of bub will provide a definite answer. And once your baby is in your arms, it's very likely that you'll accept their gender for what it is.

In the meantime, the gender prediction methods are a wonderful way to pass the time. And the best bit is, you have a 50/50 chance of your guess being correct!

16/09/21 - min Read

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